
Do not miss any more e-mails in the car: With your mobile phone and Audi connect, you can read mails in your Audi when you are resting. Or have it read aloud when you are driving. This will make your car a driving office, helping you avoid mail jams. If the sender’s details are stored in the Address Book, you can call him directly.



  • reads mail while driving and reduces distraction
  • displays all mail for reading when the vehicle is stationary
  • Mail senders can be called directly via the address book function


What you need to use Audi connect

  • Audi connect Navigation and Infotainment option
  • with integrated SIM card (for A3, A4, A5, Q2, Q5, Q7)
  • with its own SIM card (A6, A7, TT, R8)
  • Mobile phone with Bluetooth MAP


Does this service work with all mobile phones?
No, only with certain brands and models. Information at www.audi.de/bluetooth